Which server are you applying for (DarkRP, or TTT) TTT Server.
Why are you applying for this position: Because I feel like I would make a good addition to the team, and that I can help a lot with enforcing rules and such.
What position are you applying for?: Admin.
Age? 14.
Experience with staff? I have a lot of experience with being a staff member, I've been staff on many servers and know when to kick, ban and how to handle sits.
Any way to prove the one above? On the Futuristic Networks DarkRP server, I started as a Moderator and in less than 2 days I was promoted to Admin, Senior Admin then Head Admin. You can ask Rico.
How often will you be on? On the Weekends I can be on for hours, and on weekdays, I will be on at 4 PM Atlantic Standard Time, and I can as well be on for hours.
What will you do if someone Mass RDM's: It would depend on how many players he's killed and how many times, but I personally think a Mass RDM deserves a ban for 30 minutes or and hour.
What will you do if someone is being a minge: I would kick him, because someone minging means someone is trolling and/or being annoying to another player and ruining their fun.
What will you do if someone is manipulating rules: I would immediately kick them, because the official rules should not be manipulated in any way or form.
Thank you for taking the time to read this application. Good day!
Which server are you applying for (DarkRP, or TTT) TTT Server.
Why are you applying for this position: Because I feel like I would make a good addition to the team, and that I can help a lot with enforcing rules and such.
What position are you applying for?: Admin.
Age? 14.
Experience with staff? I have a lot of experience with being a staff member, I've been staff on many servers and know when to kick, ban and how to handle sits.
Any way to prove the one above? On the Futuristic Networks DarkRP server, I started as a Moderator and in less than 2 days I was promoted to Admin, Senior Admin then Head Admin. You can ask Rico.
How often will you be on? On the Weekends I can be on for hours, and on weekdays, I will be on at 4 PM Atlantic Standard Time, and I can as well be on for hours.
What will you do if someone Mass RDM's: It would depend on how many players he's killed and how many times, but I personally think a Mass RDM deserves a ban for 30 minutes or and hour.
What will you do if someone is being a minge: I would kick him, because someone minging means someone is trolling and/or being annoying to another player and ruining their fun.
What will you do if someone is manipulating rules: I would immediately kick them, because the official rules should not be manipulated in any way or form.
Thank you for taking the time to read this application. Good day!